"What's good in SL?"

This is a community collection of places to eat and drink in San Leandro, CA. There are so many old and new spots worth sharing and celebrating! If you're in town, and you're feeling hungry, or thirsty, come check us out for local recommendations!

Our Mission

Our mission is simple. We want to encourage San Leandro folks and our Bay Area neighbors to explore San Leandro's food and drink scene, and to support our local restaurants and businesses. San Leandro has so many eats and drinks of different cuisines, old and new, that are still yet to be discovered. We hope to bring our community closer together over breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts!


We Need Your Help!

San Leandro Eats is a community project! Here's a few ways you can help.

1. Share!
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @sanleandroeats, and spread the word.

2. Explore!
Roam around San Leandro and have fun discovering the old and new eat + drink places. 

3. Review!
Take snap shots of your delicious eats + drinks in San Leandro, and tag us! Don't forget to mention WHAT was so drool worthy, and WHY 🙂

From one foodie to another:
" I pretty much lived my whole life in San Leandro. When I finished college and started working, I became a food enthusiast and would plan food adventures in big nearby cities like Oakland and San Francisco. We all know they're great cities that have a lot of good food to offer, but what about San Leandro? My hometown? It dawned on me that there are places to eat and drink here, too. Some pretty tasty and awesome places in fact! So I asked myself, 'How about I spend my money in the city that made me who I am?' I think of eating and drinking here in San Leandro as an investment to this growing and developing city, and to the beautiful people that are part of it today and in the future." -M.R.